How to fix a leaking swimming pool light?

Our guide to help you find the leak and fix it.

Is my pool light leaking?

Leaks from the conduit, the line that runs from the bulb to the junction box, are a common problem with inground pool lights. The pipe's connection to the light niche is not sealed, which makes it susceptible to water intrusion.

Test 1 - Conduite Leak

Keep the pool running on the main drain only ensure skimmers are closed or plugged, you can detect a pool light leak by watching the water level fall. If the water level appears to stabilise at the light's level, or more accurately, a few inches below the top of the light.

If an inground gunite pool still leaks after all the lines have been tightly blocked and the pump has been turned off, either the pool wall shell or the pool light is leaking.

Pools with vinyl liners must rule out leaks in the liner or any areas where the liner was intentionally cut, such as the pool light, skimmer, steps, return, and drain.

Test 2 - Light Niche Leak

Rarely do pool light niches leak. It is very uncommon for a pool light to seep around or through the light niche's shell. Water seeping out of the light conduit accounts for the majority of pool light leaks. The light niche gasket in vinyl pools, on the other hand, is sealed to the pool wall, increasing the possibility of leaks near the niche.

Test 3 - Leak Dye Kit

A more advanced way to detect a pool leak or pool light leak is to use a leak-testing dye kit. You can do this yourself or book a leak detection service to do it for you. The dye will either be sucked into the light where the leak is flowing or the dye will not move and just slowly dissolve into the pool water.

Test 4 - Visual Observation

You have found water within your pool light. This is typically visible from the on-deck area. This often indicates a failing lamp gasket which is allowing water to seep inside and encircle the lightbulb rather than a leak in the light itself.

If in Doubt We Recommend a Leak Detection Service

A professional will be able to use cutting-edge techniques and equipment to swiftly and precisely identify the leak or leaks in your pool.

If you have a question about a pool leak or leaky light fitting


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